bosan gilerr...


 hujung minggu yg sgt membosankan....
dgn line broadband yg mcm kura2 xleh nk tgk movie kt youtube..
aishh... roomate ak sume tggl la ak sorang..
nasib baik mlm baby teman tido kalu x takut la ak nk tido sorang2..
lmbtnye dieorg nk blik...ak bosan sgt2 duk sorang..
hmm...nak balik ipoh tak cukup   bajet..
tggu minggu depan bru balik kot....
rindu sgt2 kt kemboja n mama...
ari2 tgk gmbr kemboja yg di tag oleh angah kt fb..
bile tgk geram sgt2..nk sgt dukung n peluk n cium2 die...muahhhx..:*
errgghh,,,,geramnye.. KEMBOJA!!!! QASEH!!
next week auntie princess blik  ..huhuhu..<3

now i'm going to do my assingment for madam azlinda n anita..
fuhh... tomorrow she's gonna asking ramdomly.. 
hopefully i'm not the one... :)
i really hope i get distinction both module in sem2..


for someone special*

u're PEANUT to my BUTTER

u're the STAR to my BURST

u're the MILKY to my WAY

u're the ICE to my CREAM

u're FROOT to my LOOPS

u're GHETTO to my BOOTY

u're BEST to my FRIEND

and all that means



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